Moree Town Centre Bypass

Moree NSW
SKM + RMS Western Region
Bypass route for heavy vehicles
4.4 km
$80 m
Moree Bypass CM+

This project provides an alternate route for heavy vehicles to bypass the Moree retail centre. The 4.4 kilometre bypass skirts the main urban areas, crosses the Mehi River and traverses scenic rural landscape, before reconnecting with the Newell Highway.

CM+ established the urban and landscape vision, objectives and design framework that informed the project design. Designs for the Mehi River Bridge, parkway landscaping, special town signage, noise mitigation, Aboriginal artwork and interpretive signage, underwent extensive community consultation including with the Gamilaroi Aboriginal community. The detail design and tender documentation has recently been completed. The project was jointly funded by the RTA and DOTARS at an estimated construction cost of $80 million.