CM+ are pleased to announce we have joined forces with Farrells, to provide innovative design solutions for transit and metro developments, aviation, and the commercial sectors.
FarrellsCM+ will provide services across a range of project types, with a focus on transport and transit-oriented developments. Transformative projects include, Embankment Place and Vauxhall Cross in London and Kowloon Station Development, The Peak Tower in Hong Kong, Sydney MetroWest and Waterpoint Sustainable City in Vietnam.

The alliance consolidates a 50-year relationship between the two firms, since Bill Morrison headed up Farrells urban design unit in London and celebrates decades of working together with the Hong Kong Directors Gavin Erasmus and Stefan Krummeck.
Dick Nugent, Design Director at CM+, associated with Farrells during his time in Hong Kong in the mid‐1990’s said:
“We are driven by the same values to create places for the public that make our cities better. This is why our practices have come together again and again over the years. It is exciting to be able to move forward as a more unified team here in Australia.”
Farrells, founded by Sir Terry Farrell CBE in the UK in the 1960s, is one of the leading architecture and urban design practices in London. In 1991 Farrells Hong Kong was established to provide professional services across Asia with a significant number of high-profile award‐winning projects. The practice has been highly successful in the development of new transport systems and related communities.
Director Gavin Erasmus said:
“We are excited to come together with CM+ to form a new transit‐oriented design team with local and international expertise, committed to contribute to Sydney’s journey toward a better connected world city. Urbanisation remains a prevalent issue and through transit‐oriented development, we create sustainable places of urban diversity and vibrancy, integrating and shaping our future into places that matter, which is our foremost mission.”